Underfunded, but
still Overdelivering.

Making the case for investing in the immigrant entrepreneurs that are shaping the next generation of the American Dream.

a photo of business founders

Embracing the entrepreneurial spirit
A recent study shows that immigrants are 80% more likely to start a business than people born in the United States.

In the state of Illinois, immigrants represent  22.9% of the state's entrepreneurs.

a photo of a business team meeting

Immigrants really do "get the job done"
Big ideas, outsized impact.

Despite making up just 17% of the national workforce, immigrants have founded 55% of America's unicorn companies (privately held ventures valued at $1 billion or more).

a stack of business books

A pipeline to innovation
25% of America’s unicorns have an immigrant founder who initially arrived in the country as an international student.

Their startups have created an average of 860 jobs per organization.

an overhead view of a laptop

Overlooked for funding

Immigrant founders, often relatively unfamiliar with the country's business landscape, routinely encounter challenges in quickly building and leveraging a strong network of potential investors, underscoring the significance of securing venture capital.